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4-Way Ranch Metropolitan District Water Service Fees

This proposed project is located within the 4-Way Ranch Metropolitan Districts 1 and 2 boundaries. The District assesses platting and building permit fees for new development within the District Boundaries, the District also assesses a mill levy on property within the District Boundaries.

The fees for this year are as follows:

Fee TypeClassificationsRate
Base Rate$15.00
Monthly Operations Charge$15.00
Water Usage0-7,000 gallons$3.00 per 1,000 gallons
Water Usage7,001-14,000 gallons$4.50 per 1,000 gallons
Water UsageAbove 14,000 gallons$7.00 per 1,000 gallons
Water Service Fee SFE - $15 per month
Wastewater Service FeeResidential:$34 per month
 Commercial:$29.80 per month per SFE
Wastewater Service FeeTiers:5,000-20,000 gallons - $2.10/ k gal.
  20,001 gallons < - $2.30/ k gal.
Wastewater Service Fee 3/4" tap - base rate
  1" tap - base rate x 2.5
  1 1/2" tap - base rate x 5.0
  2" tap - base rate x 8.0
Late Fee $15
Bad Check Fee $25
Meter Turn On/Off Fee$100
Tampering Fee/ Unauthorized Use $500 plus costs
Inspections Fees $250
Plan Review Fee $250
Account Transfer Fee $100
Water Tap FeeResidential3/4" tap - System Development
  • $7,800
  • Wat Resource Dev $850
  • Total $8,650
 Commercial1" tap - System Development
  • $10,000
  • Wat Resource Dev $1,000
  • Total $11,000
Wastewater Tap Fee 3/4" tap - $7,200
  1" tap - 2.5 x base
  1 1/2" tap - 5.0 x base
  2" tap - 8.0 x base
Hydrant Meter Permit Fee $50
Hydrant Meter Permit Deposit $1,000.00 plus $7.5/ K gal.
Meter Setting Fee SFR - $500
 Non-SFR 1" - $650
  Non-SFR 1 1/2" - $1,155
  Non-SFR 2" - $1,250
  Larger than 2" - Time and Materials